Wednesday, August 26, 2009

julie and julia

i went on a lady date with a girlfriend of mine last night.  we went out for dinner and then to see the movie "Julie & Julia".  i think we were the only people there that weren't nana's, but it was fun.  i do recommend the movie for you chick flick lovers.

anyway, there was one spot in the movie that really "got" me.  i found my eyes burning with the yearning to cry, while my chest felt tight.  i could relate SO much. here it is.  it was such a small part, i don't think it will ruin it if you are planning on seeing it...
there is a point in the movie when Julia Child gets a letter from her sister in the mail announcing her pregnancy.  she tells her husband, "oh, she's pregnant!" and immediately her husband comes to her side and puts his arm around her.  through her crying, Julia tries to say,"i'm happy for her", while her husband hushes and soothes her with a quiet, "i know."

i have been right there.  i have tried to be happy for my friends for their news, while mr. gently soothed me and held me and fully understood how crushed i was feeling.  it hurts.  it makes me feel like i am alone on an island with mr. and we have to watch people across the water eat and laugh and play and we just have to sit there alone, together.  i hope i don't have to feel this too much longer.  i don't know if i can bear it.        please oh please let this work.


Banana Pancakes said...

We've all been there my friend... sending happy pregger vibes your way :) I hope this is it for you!

Lin said...

Great post! You're luck that your hubby gets it. I'm not sure mine truly understands why it bothers me so much when others around us get pregnant so easily. He's very Type B, "it'll happen when it happens." Me, not so much!

Best of luck to you this cycle. I've got all the crossables crossed for you!!

kate said...

I think I posted a very similar reaction to that *exact* moment in the film after I saw it recently. It really moved me, knowing that feeling, that happy-sadness, that someone you care about is getting exactly what you wanted while you wait, and wait, and wait.

One Who Understands said...

We all feel alone but are incredibly connected through the trial of IF. I hope this transfer works. Sending good vibes your way.

Missy said...

I think we've all been that person. I've heard there are references to IF in that movie and I'm not sure if that makes me more or less likely to want to see it.

jones said...

I'm hoping you're off the island this cycle. safe sailing!